Articles on: Order Merger


On the Dashboard, you will have access to several manageable features, as well as displays your additional auto-merge rules and analytics.

1. You have a welcome back notice with the status of the app.

Here you can enable the automatic merge option. To enable the automatic merge option, click the "Enable automatic merge" button.

⚠️ WARNING: Autoutomatic merge is turned off by default. Before enabling it, make sure you set up automatic merge as needed.

Also, you can disable automatic merge. To disable the automatic merge option, click the "Disable automatic merge" button.

2. Plan & Usage.

Your current plan will be displayed here and you will see the current cost for the additional merge.

Also, here you can change you plan.
To change your plan, click one of "Change Plan" button.

💡 TIP: To find out more about our pricing check Order Merger pricing

3. Merge Rules Summary.

Additional rules that you set in the automatic merge section will be displayed here.

4. Analytics.

This will display the number of orders merged in the last 30 days. You will also see the shipping costs refundedt to your customers.

Updated on: 09/02/2022

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