Articles on: Order Merger

Customer Notifications

The customer notifications page allows you to automatically notify customers when orders are being merged. You can find this feature on the top menu of the app:

By default this feature is turned off, and you can turn it on by clicking the activation toggle on the left.

Email subject line

First, you'll have to configure the email subject line, and you can use dynamic tags that will changes based on the customer/order.

Dynamic tags you can use include:
New order number
Original order numbers
Customer last name
Customer first name
Store name
refund amount
Order status
Original orders links
New order link

We recommend the following format:

💡 TIP: {store-name}: Orders {original-order-numbers} were merged into {new-order-number}

You can insert your logo by inserting a URL. The max width of the logo is 400px.

Email content

This is where you can define your email header, and content. Here too, you can use dynamic tags.

We recommend the following format:

Hi {first-name},

We just wanted to let you know that we've merged orders {original-order-numbers} into {new-order-number} for your convenience.

You can visit your new order here: {new-order-link}
You can visit your original orders here: {original-order-link}

Thank you for choosing us,


At the bottom of the email there will be a button linking to the order status page of the new, merged order. You can configure the text and the design of this button:

Preview email

You can preview the email by clicking the "preview" button at the bottom.

⚠️ WARNING: Don't forget to save your changes :)

Updated on: 09/02/2022

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